Saturday, January 28, 2012

4 Week Measurements

Well, today will complete my 4th week of "Insanity!" I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself for making it this far, but I'm anxious to see what the next 5 weeks bring. Today we finish the first set of DVDs, next week we do "Core Cardio and Balance" all week for a "recovery," then we start "Max Interval" everything for the next 4 weeks. I'm kinda glad that we're starting new DVDs (even though I haven't "mastered" the ones that we've done thus far), just to change up what we're doing. We're still pretty bad about remembering what is on the DVD's lol. We'll see what some of the "back up" people are wearing and we'll say, "oh, i think this is the one where they look stupid doing..." We had Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs for the last time last night, and I'm glad to see Pure Cardio end (although I enjoy Cardio Abs).

Today was weigh-in and measurement time (I weigh every week, and measure every 2 weeks). So here are the outcomes (total amount lost from the beginning)...
Weight: 8.4 lbs
Waist: 3.5 inches
Hips: 3.5 inches
Butt: 2 inches
Thighs: 1.75 inches on both
Calves: .5 inch on both
Arms: .25 inch on both
For a Grand Total of 14.25 inches over all!!

I only lost like 1 pound this week, so that was a little frustrating, but my measurements made up for it! Brandon weighs exactly the same as he did last week, so he's getting frustrated too. Again, we both know that muscle weighs more than fat, but we want to see that scale go down! Brandon actually just came upstairs with "Big News, Babe!" Then he announced that he is starting to see abs!! YAY!! So maybe he won't be quite so frustrated now! lol I'm definitely seeing a difference in my stomach, as my measurements show. It kinda weird because I don't know that either of us have had a sore stomach since we started, but you can always tell that is has been worked!

We're getting ready to do breakfast with the family (ya know, the weekly Shoney's trip), so I've been looking online to see what I should order...not a diet friendly place. I'm hanging out with friends tonight, so I may eat a few more calories than usual, but I'll enjoy every bite of it!!

I hope everyone is enjoying reading my progress! Seems like I may have recruited a new couple to the Insanity family! Good Luck you guys (you know who you are)!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

All I Have To Say Is...


This morning I was flipping through my "pants" rack in my closet and I noticed a pair of jeans peeking out on the floor. I thought, "What in the world?! Why are there jeans hiding back here?!" I picked them up and then vividly remembered throwing them back there in frustration b/c I couldn't get into them. I bought these after we had been married for about a year, so I had already put on some weight by that point. After I had Rylan, I did weight watchers and lost my baby weight, but I still couldn't get into my pre-pregnancy I quit! I remember when we moved into the house (May '10), going through my clothes to figure out what to put in the extra bedroom, and what to put in the closet that I actually use. Those jeans were my last hope to wear pre-pregnancy pants...and I I chucked them into the back of the closet to never have to face the reality of how big I was. I put those babies on this morning, and they fit like a glove!! It was all I could do to take them off to put on work clothes (although, I'm sure most of my co-workers would have understood)! I will definitely be wearing them on watch out!!! I guess of the stages of "skinny jeans" (not skinny legged jeans), this is stage 1! Stage 2 will include jeans that I wore when we got married!
To continue on he note of pants that I haven't worn in a while...Last week, I wore a pair of dress pants that I had not worn since last spring! Sunday, I wore a pair that I haven't worn since early fall (and shouldn't have been wearing them then), and I found a $20 bill in the pocket! DOUBLE JACKPOT!!!

Ok...just wanted to brag!!! YAY!!!!
Counting down to Thursday...the Sherer family will be eating mexican!! I'm a little too excited about this!!! It has been 4 weeks since we ate mexican; those of you who know me know that that is an ETERNITY for me!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

I Still Hate Pure Cardio!!

Well, today we started week 4 of Insanity. I am so proud of us for sticking with it this long! We're both seeing results in our bodies, and I can't ask for more than that! I have dreaded "Pure Cardio" all day, but I've been looking forward to "Cardio Abs." As I mentioned before, I love ab workouts and this one is great!!

I wanted to post today, because I'm getting frustrated/bored with my food, and I feel like others can relate to this. I am still grilling my chicken at the beginning of the week, and I'm happy with my lunches! Dinner, on the other hand, is boring me to death! I don't cook anymore because neither of us want to eat very much because the workouts are so intense. Since meals aren't being cooked, you can imagine how limited dinner is. Brandon can eat a turkey sandwich every night and be fine...I can't do that for lunch, let alone dinner! Plus, I miss cooking!! Now don't get me wrong, I don't want to do it every night, but I enjoy cooking. Thursdays are "Cardio Recovery" day, so we can generally eat more on those hopefully I'll cook something on Thursday (or at least eat real food, whether it's a restaurant or at home). Anyone that has any light dinner ideas, please pass those ideas forward!! I'M DYING!!!
To add to my food frustrations, today was my little guy's birthday...and I wanted to take him out for dinner. And my little guy LOVES Mexican food (he gets it honest). My mother (love her heart) wanted to go out for dinner for his bday, but we couldn't because we knew Pure Cardio was tonight and that it would not be pretty! I did run through the drive through and get him a Happy Meal for his bday...and I only ate 2 fries! lol  Next week is recovery week, so if we don't eat Mexican on Thursday (cardio recovery), then we definitely will next week! Let the countdown begin!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Still Keeping It Up!! (Recipe included)

It's been a while since my last post, just because nothing new has happened. The diet has been going well, and we have been VERY consistent with our workouts! Haven't had to miss a workout yet! I will have to say, it really doesn't get much easier as you go. You know what to expect, but the "better" you get, the faster you go, which winds you as much as you were when you first started doing it. So you always feel like you have room for improvement, and I like that!

Today we had my little boy's 2nd bday party, so as you can expect, I didn't eat extremely healthy. Although, everything that I made was a "healthy" version! Of course the cake wasn't healthy...but I'm not going to pass up my little boy's bday cake!

Since we had the party today, we decided we would weigh in this morning instead of tomorrow. We were both a little disappointed in our weigh-in, but we know it is just part of the plan and not a reflection on our hardwork and dedication. I only lost 1 pound this week (puts me at 169.0) and Brandon actually gained 4. Initially this was pretty bumming, but honestly, I know I have gained muscle and I know Brandon as too. He was more disappointed than I was. But he wanted to loose all of the weight that he wanted to, then gain muscle, and that's not how it works. We have to build muscle in order to loose fat, so I'll be patient and hope that the scale goes down more next week!! Just to make sure I wasn't wrong, I measured my waist to make sure that it had not gotten bigger or stopped progressing, and I had lost another inch off of it! So that's 3 inches off of my waist in 3 weeks!! Pretty good!!

We have discussed taking tonight off and do today's workout tomorrow (which is supposed to be our day off), but I don't know if we'll do that or not. Part of me says to just because we ate quite a bit during the party, and I don't know how that'll feel on our tummies...but then part of me says that we ate enough today to warrant a workout So we'll see!

I'm going to include a recipe for Buffalo Chicken Dip (skinny style) just in case some of you are wondering what a "Healthy" party food is like. And it is AWESOME!!

Buffalo Chicken Dip
2 cans Chunk Chicken Breast, drained
1/2 C Fat Free Ranch
1/2 C Buffalo Sauce (I use Frank's Buffalo Wing Sauce)
1/2 C Part Skim Mozzarella Cheese
1 package softened Fat Free Cream Cheese

I find it easies to mix when you mix the sauces and cream cheese together first. Then add the two cans of chicken, mix well. Add mozzarella cheese and mix well. I usually sprinkle a little bit on the top as well...just a sprinkle though.
Bake on 350 degrees for about 20 mins.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fit Test #2 Results

I have something to do this evening, so I went ahead and did my "FitTest" this afternoon. I have had vast improvements in ALL of the exercises!! I was very excited to see all of the new numbers!!
Just as a reminder of what the fit test is....There are 8 exercises that are done for a minute a piece. I'm not sure how long the break is in between, but I think it's like a minute and a half. I will post the exercise (my best explanation of that exercise), my first attempt's number, and my second attempt's number (today's number).

Switch Kicks (kick one knee up at a time to belly button level, and kick the leg out) 1st-59      2nd-70
Power Jacks (jumping jacks with a squat when your legs are apart) 1st-37     2nd-45
Power Knees (bring one knee up to belly button level, as arms come to meet the leg, all at an angle) 1st-60 2nd- 65
Power Jumps (jump up while bringing your knees up, wide set) 1st-13     2nd-20
Globe Jumps (jump right, back, left, and forward, like a circle kinda. one rotation equals 1) 1st-5  2nd-8
Suicide Jumps (jump back in to a push up position, bring knees back to hands, and jump up) 1st-9 2nd-12
Push-Up Jacks (push-ups, legs spread as you go down, bring them together when you get to the top) 1st-8      2nd-16!!!
Low Plank Oblique (holding a plank position on your elbows, bring one knee up to the side toward your shoulder, then switch legs) 1st-32     2nd-47

I am very excited with my progress! Not only that, but i weighed this morning and I entered "the next dimension!!!" I won't weigh again until Sunday, but I just had to check in one more time!!! lol

This afternoon I made some turkey chili, and it turned out really well. It actually tasted just like my normal chili! As you all know, you can't make a little chili, so we'll be eating on it all week! But that's ok because it is VERY low fat!!

Tonight I am meeting with some friends at The Outback, so I've already scoped out the online menu and I am prepared with a couple of ordering options. That is something that I have definitely started to really do. If I know that I am going to be eating at a restaurant, I try to look online and have an idea of what I am going to order, that way I am not tempted by other items on the menu. I'll let you know tomorrow how well I curb my temptations, because I'm sure appetizers will be ordered and thrown in my face. I so don't want to be "that person" who is the anal eater (ok, that sounds way What I mean is, I have been around people who make me feel uncomfortable when they are "on a diet." They are so anal about what they eat that they inadvertently make me feel gross about what I am eating. I hope that makes sense to everyone...I don't want to be that

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend (especially those of us who go extra long ones!!) Have a blessed week!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

First Day of Results!

Well, today was weigh-in! I didn't really know what to expect, although I was hoping to have a total weight loss of 7 lbs to put me in the "next dimension." I can't believe I am about to put my vital info on the Internet (vital, meaning weight), but here goes...

I started at 176.4, so I was hoping to loose 7 lbs to put me in the 160's. Well, I lost 6.4 so I'm still in the "170's" but DANG I'm soooo close!!! If I lose a couple of ounces, I'm in the 160's...maybe tomorrow morning! lol I was pretty happy with that outcome. I can't complain about 6.4 lbs in 2 weeks! It's on the track of the average that I need in order to accomplish my final goal, so I'm happy! I have to keep reminding myself that it isn't going to happen the first month that I do this! Patience has never been my strong suit! lol

I wasn't bummed about my weight, but I wasn't super pumped either...just kinda "eh." I knew my measurements would make me feel better, so I did those immediately following the scale. I knew they would be good because I could look in the mirror and see a difference! I was very happy with the outcome of those!! The following is a list of the inches LOST off of various parts of my body...
Waist= 2 inches
Hips= 1.5 inches
Butt= 1.75 inches
Thighs= 1.5 Left & 1.5 Right
Calves= .5 Right & 1 Left
That is a grand total of 9.75 inches in 2 weeks!! I'm pretty excited about that! I love that I have lost enough that my clothes fit differently!! Very happy about that!!

So, at this check point, I am content with my progress! We get the night off tonight, although we've discussed doing the ab workout again tonight. Tomorrow is the fit test, to see how much physical progress we've made. I am intrigued to see how different my numbers are, I know I've improved on that!

I'm glad you guys are sticking with me through this! I hope someone is finding inspiration through all of this...or at least a few laughs!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pure Cardio + Pure Cardio Abs = INSANITY

As I mentioned on our first night of "Pure Cardio," this is why it is called "Insanity." Then we added "Pure Cardio Abs" onto it (not by choice, that's the schedule)!! I feel like I got a little farther in "Pure Cardio" without a break, or took less breaks, either way I feel like I'm getting better with it! The abs part was crazy hard! Now, some of you reading this will remember the days that I LOVED to do abs and had the stomach to prove it...I have a feeling I'll end up wanting to do this every night!! Nothing is better than a flat stomach, and this will definitely give it to you! It is so tough, and I already feel my stomach, I can't wait to see what comes of this! I was already seeing a difference in my stomach before we ever even did a real "ab workout," so it can only get better! I did hate that it started off with jumping exercises (definitely working the abs), since we just finished "Pure Cardio."

I was speaking with a friend of mine today about posting some of my "inspiration" pictures, and I still haven't decided on it. These pictures would be of me at my physical peak, just to remind myself that my body can do it! By no means do I expect my body to get back in the shape that I was in when I was 20, but these are the pictures that I go back to when I'm questioning why I am doing this. We'll see what comes of that...

Tomorrow morning is weigh-in! As I previously mentioned, I moved the scale out of the bathroom, and I haven't weighed myself since, so I'm excited to see the number on the scale in the morning! I will also redo my measurements and post the outcomes, good or bad (although, they should all be good!)!
I keep visiting the "Insanity" facebook page, which is added inspiration. I love looking at people's before and after pictures! It seems to put it in perspective for me! I cant' wait to have a before and after comparison!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

I Got My Snowday!

Yay! I got to sleep in a bit this morning! The little man didn't realize it was unlimited sleep day and woke up at 8:00, but I'll still take it!!

Tonight was "Cardio Power and Resistance," which we also did on Monday. There's lots of jumping in this one, which wears me out!! The hubs has been battling "the crud" for a few days, so he's been struggling more than he usually would. I hope he's on the uphill swing of it all. It hasn't been terrible for him, but I know he doesn't feel his best.

Well, one of my predictions was is that time for me (see previous post), which makes me not look as forward to my weigh-in on Sunday. I always bloat and gain during that time, so now I'm not as excited. At least the sweets cravings only lasted for a day! Still no "movement" (see previous post, again), but hopefully I'm helping it along its way.

As I posted last week, weekends are usually rough on a diet, due to my family eating. Well, we are not doing Shoney's tomorrow because there was a death in my distant family (my grandmother's cousin), so my grandmother and her sister are going to the funeral home tomorrow. So, now I just have to worry about Sunday (weigh-in will be first thing in the morning!)!!

As you have read, "Pure Cardio" is my least favorite workout...and that's what we have tomorrow, along with "Cardio Abs." This will be the first time for this workout, and I am nervous about ANYTHING coming after "Pure Cardio." That should be an interesting post...
After that, the posts will probably slow down since we will be doing the same DVD's for a couple more weeks. I will definitely still post periodically about the struggles of staying on the diet...that will always be a struggle! I'm already planning a trip to the mexican restaurant in town on the "Recovery Week." That's 2 weeks away!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Motivation...? I called for you yesterday...

Well, so this post will start on the path of TMI, but it all has to do with this process, so...reader beware!!!
The past couple of days I have felt so bloated (as I have previously stated)! I started thinking today, and I have figured out some of it...I have not had a "movement" since Monday! I'm tearing up some salads, fruit, and high fiber foods...but nothing is moving! Someone mentioned that it may have something to do with all of the protein that I am eating...which is definitely a possibility. I'm liable to lose 5 pounds when it finally comes (I'll take it however I can get it!). This bloat has really killed my motivation. Once we start the DVD, I'm good to go, but every night I'm thinking, "I really don't want to!!"
I'm sure part of today's lack of motivation had to do with the snowfall! As a school employee in Tennessee, whenever white stuff falls, I get excited and (as my mother would say) "I ain't worth killin." So we've just been watching the snow fall and I've been posing the question to everyone..."Do you think we'll go tomorrow?" Hopefully not, then we'll have a 4 day weekend!!!

As I mentioned yesterday, today's eating pattern was a little different because I couldn't start the day off with my smoothie...I replaced it with a protein bar and was pretty surprised at how full I was! I had a rice cake with all natural pb for mid-morning, a salad with grilled chicken for lunch, and an apple when I got home. We decided last night that a big fat juicy burger sounded good, so we grilled turkey burgers tonight! Yes, we grilled outside as it was snowing! I'm sure our neighbors wondered about our mental state, but it was worth it. It wasn't quite as good as the burger from "The Depot," but it got the point across. I also had a baked sweet potato, while Brandon ate a baked regular potato. then I still had the munchies so I ate a Special K bar that was chocolate and pretzel. It must be getting close to "that time" because I've been wanting chocolate all day, and that salty sweet Special K bar came pretty close to satisfying me...for only 90 calories!

Tonight's workout was "Cardio Recovery." We've only done this one once, so we didn't really remember what to expect. It was a nice break from the "go as hard as you can as long as you can," but it was definitely still a workout. It does more deep muscle work than the other cardio videos, so my legs feel like jello right now. Tomorrow's workout is one we have only done once as well, so I'm not sure what to expect (maybe I should look back at my previous post on it).

I will leaves this post with hopes that I will get to sleep in in the morning since I am so drained! I feel like I'm not sleeping enough, but by the time we get done working out, shower, cool down, and get in the bed, it is at least 10:00...which is too late for me to go to bed every night! So, here's hoping I get to sleep in!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Motivation, Motivation....Where for art thou, Motivation?

Last night I was glad to get to burn off some frustration when I got home. It had been a stressful afternoon, so I was glad to have that outlet.
Today started off great! I have an "intern" (who is already a counselor somewhere else but needs elementary hours to complete licensure requirements) that comes on Wednesdays, and it is so nice to have someone who relates to what days are like for a school counselor. We discussed frustrations that we have within our position, and talked about the warm fuzzy feelings that it brings sometimes. It's almost like we get a weekly counseling session within ourselves! I had Kindergarten and first grades, had a couple of individual sessions, met with teachers...very productive day. Then I had a meeting at the end of the day. I was up and motivated all day...until I sat down in the parent meeting. You know when you're tired and you are fine as long as your still moving and going?! Well, that was me today...and I crashed after about 45 minutes in that meeting. It was like my brain was floating! Part of it may have been that there were alot of people in a small room and it started getting hot and all that jazz...but man, talk about drained! I got home, caught up on "Pretty Little Liars" and played trains with my little boy...all of which were great, because they didn't take much effort. lol

As I was taking the munchkin to his room to read his bedtime story, my husband looked at me and said, "Do we have to do this tonight?" lol  "Yes, we do!" was my response, after I got a HUGE yawn.

Tonight was "Plyometric Cardio Circuit" and this is the 3rd time we've done it, so we are starting to learn the routine. I really didn't have to take an unscheduled break until we got to the planks and pushups...then, I definitely did! All of that is at the end of the routine, so I was exhausted. And, for me, it so hard to do pushups without holding my always has been! lol So when I'm winded, there's no way I can do very many!

I still have nothing but great things to say about the Insanity program! I can definitely see a difference in myself, and I'm pretty used to the eating routine. Tomorrow will be a little different because, in my own little Tori way, left my smoothie container at school (and yes, I only have one), and I left my water bottle at school. At least I can buy water at school, although I am going to look into getting one of those filtered water bottles. The water at school tastes terrible, and I get tired of buy bottles of water from the cafeteria. Depending on the price, that would be a good investment to just leave at school and use there. The workouts don't get easier, you just learn what to expect. The time goes by really fast but your body feels like you have been going FOREVER!

I have moved the scale out of the bathroom because I was weighing myself ALL of the time. I would be like, "Oh, I just took a shower, let's see if how much dirt I had in my hair!" or "I just went to the bathroom, wonder how much that was worth?!" lol  So I moved it and will not weigh myself until either Sunday or Monday, which is when I will do my measurements as well. I'm intrigued and excited to see how well I have done. I don't have HIGH hopes for the weight, I just want to average my 2.5 pounds a week so I can hit my goal in the end!

Thank you to all of you who have been supportive! If you would like to leave a comment for me and don't want to join blogspot, you can just leave it on my facebook.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pure Cardio....ugh!

Whew...we revisited the "Pure Cardio" DVD tonight and got reminded how badly it STINKS!! I did better tonight (I think), but definitely did not make it through without a break! I would have made it through the warm up today, except I had a "wardrobe malfunction" with my shoe! My new shoes came in yesterday and I love them! They are sooo light! Anyway...I had something in my shoe that was stabbing the side of my foot, so I had to stop long enough to take my shoe off and get that taken care of.

I feel extra bloated this evening. It didn't hit me unitl around 5 or so, but I also had a diet sabotager at around 3:30. I was with a family with whom I had discussed Taco Bell, previously. In response to our prior discussion, they brought me a taco from Taco Bell! I politefully declined citing that I was about to go home and cook supper (feeling as if they didn't need to know or wouldn't care about my diet). Then came the line, "Come on, eat a taco with us." This made me feel as if it was a bonding moment, which we needed, and I had one. I immediately regretted it being in my belly, but not if it makes them feel closer with me.

I had the best lunch today! Of course I took my grilled chicken (which I am really enjoying having), and I had a wrap. I borrowed an idea from the wrap place at APSU and mixed a tbspn of fat free ranch and a tbspn of buffalo sauce (I said wrong in my previous post...buffalo sauce has 0 calories!!) to use in my wrap! I also had carrots, which I had halved, dipped in salsa. This sounds pretty gross, but it's a good way to get your salsa "fix" in without eating the chips...and it's really pretty good!!

Tomorrow we go back to "Plyometric Cardio Circuit." It's hard, but I don't dread it like I do "Pure Cardio."

**Also, another mistake in the previous "OMG...Really?!??!" post. The warm up has no 30 second breaks! So you go through the warm up circuit 3 times, speeding up each time, without a break until the end.

Monday, January 9, 2012

What a Difference a Week Makes!

This weekend was ROUGH! As I mentioned in my previous post, Saturday was definitely a challenge on my will power; although it helps tremendously that Brandon is going through the same thing I am. First let me say how disppointed I am in Shoney's. The only "healthy" options that they had were a steamed vegetable plate and one entree of grilled seafood. Even their dinner salads couldn't be considered healthy...that means you put ENTIRELY too much junk on your salads! I had looked online at the menu in hopes that I would know what I was going to order and have my taste buds craving it when we got there. I clicked on the "salads" link, and they had a picture of a grilled chicken salad with strawberries on it, and that was what i was going to get...until it wasn't even listed as a menu item online or on the real menu.   My family started ordering, "breakfast bar", "breakfast bar," "breakfast bar," "country fried breakfast"...I ordered the "salad bar," knowing full well that it was still the breakfast bar, but I wasn't going to tear into that. I had a salad and what I though would have been one scrambled egg, and Brandon did the same. Also, bad on Shoney's part, the fruit on the bar is all swimming in sugary juice, not fruit juice!! I did NOT partake in the yummy breakfast, but I still had to feed it to Rylan! That kid loves breakfast!! Man, I really wanted a biscuit and gravy!!

Saturday night was the Christmas party for my group of girl-friends! We had a BLAST! I was really worried about what I was going to eat, so I brought two items that I knew were safER (although not really "healthy"). But the closer it got to time to celebrate, I thought, "I had a salad with sunflower seeds (protein) for lunch...I just won't over-indulge in the goodies. So that's what I did! What was so thoughtful was that there were a couple of friends who kept in mind that I was trying to eat better, so they substituted "better" items in their recipies (Fat free when they could, turkey bacon, "light" margarita mix...thx Brit!)! I ate all of the items that I wanted to, I just ate one of them (except a certain person's choc oatmeal cookies...I had 2 or 3 of them... but they're oatmeal, right?!).

Sunday was our day off from Insanity, but that doesn't mean that it is a day off from the diet! Sundays we always eat lunch with my family, and this week we decided to go out. I got the grilled chicken salad with buffalo sauce and fat free ranch on the side. FYI, buffalo has very few calories in it and fat free ranch isn't awesome by itself...but combined, they are pretty good, and a little bit goes a long way. We ate at the Catfish House, so of course there was fried okra in my face, and my family loves onion rings, so a large order of onion rings was also on the table. I ate NON of them! I was pretty impressed with myself! Brandon had a 6 oz sirloin and steamed veggies; we both left satisfied and pretty proud of ourselves!

Today was back to the grind! I'm really enjoying having the protein shakes for breakfast, then low fat string cheese for mid-morning snack, a grilled chicken concoction (I grill it all on Sunday)...sometimes a wrap, sometimes a salad with some fruit, then some fruit when I get home. Last week, I cooked every night, just cooked healthy items. This week, Brandon has suggested not cooking because he thinks he can eat lighter and lose more weight, but just for this week...I'm willing to try whatever.
Tonight's workout was "Cardio Power and Resistance" and it was our second time doing this workout. First, I have to say, I made it through the warm-up without taking a break!!!! You have no idea how good that felt and how proud I was! We've only been at this a week!!! Tonight's workout was SOOO much better than when we did it last week! We kept looking at each other saying, "I did way more tonight than I did last time!" There weren't nearly as many breaks, and more reps! All together, I probably did more push-ups tonight than I have since my old gymnastics days! Right now I am SOOO proud of myself!!

I have had two random people ask me "How much weight have you lost?" and one was a random parent in the car line! I have only lost 3 pounds (my goal was to average 2.5 per week), but I definitely feel like it is more and I can tell way more when I look in the mirror (muscle tone wise)! I'll redo my measurements next week when we do our fit test so I can see how much change I have made. I feel so much better about myself; I feel like I'm walking taller!

Definitely ending on a postitive note...until Brandon just reminded me that "Pure Cardio" is tomorrow...whomp whomp :(    (see previous post)

Friday, January 6, 2012


So, I know that just a few hours ago I said I probably wouldn't post until Sunday, but...

OMG!!! Pure Cardio gives the entire workout the name INSANITY! I had to take sooooo many breaks, part of me wonders how much I really got out of it. Then I try to move any part of my body (except my fingers to type this) and I remember, "OH YEAH...That's why I took all of those breaks!"

So I thought I had figured out the routine of 3 minutes hardcore, 30 second rest...  Well, I guess tonight is what I get for thinking that I had figured anything out. We stretched (about 3 mins), then did the "warm up." I put "warm up" in quotes, because we couldn't even get through that without having to take a breather! It's the same warm up each time (at least, so far it has been...I'm not even going to think that I have that part figured out). I'm going to try to remember what all of the exercises are so you can understand how insane just the warm up is...
1) jog, 2)jumping jacks, 3) "the hiesman" (jumping from one leg to the other, while pulling the non-support leg to your chest) 4) the hiesman with 2 quick steps in between each side, 5) butt-kicks, 6) high-knees, 7) "mummy" (this one is hard to explain without a visual...bouncing foot to foot while kicking the other leg in front of you. Your arms are straight out in front of you, crossing each other with each foot-change)... 30 second break, then do it ALL again...FASTER...30 second break, then do it ALL AGAIN...FASTER!   "Hello, my name is 'warm up,' but I'm really here to kick your butt!!"

So basically after the warm-up, you take your last break of the session. For the next 15-20 minutes it is NON-STOP cardio: running, jumping, mountain climber, push-ups then running while holding a plank position, suicide jumps (back and forth with a squat as your starting point for each jump), what we called "quick feet" in high school (football drill), followed by hard sprinting (in place)....It was INTENSE...or should I say INSANE!!
As I said, I had to take alot of breaks tonight, but the people on the video were taking breaks left and right, too. Shaun T. even took a break or two! That's right! The CooCoo that decided that this was a good idea, couldn't finish it! lol   so I guess I'm ok to take a few breaks! We don't do this workout until late next week; at least we know what to expect!

On the up side...I feel like I did more push ups tonight than I did when we did the fit test on Monday. I wasn't really counting, but I felt like I did. There's the silver lining! lol

You gotta have goals!

Last night was "Cardio Recovery," so my husband and I thought it was going to be a well deserved kind of "night off." Well, we were wrong! lol  It was a recover from the cardio, but only the cardio. Lots of squats and lunges and staying down in those squats and lunges....oh my! But it was nice to have a slower night instead of going as fast as you physically can the whole time. Tonight we will do "Pure Cardio," so I'm sure we'll make up for the lack of cardio last night. I'm kinda dreading seeing what tonight has in store..."Pure Cardio".....really?! As if the rest of it hasn't been pretty much pure cardio...

Now for my goals... It took me a little bit to figure out what I wanted to accomplish. Of course, I want to lose weight, but how much could I expect or try for?! My weight goal is to lose 25 pounds, this will put me back to the weight I was when we got married. I would be ECSTATIC if I could do that! I was figuring it up last night, and if I can lose 2.5 pounds a week, I'll have my 25 pounds by the end. This does not mean that I will dismiss the idea of losing more, NOT AT ALL, but this is my goal. As far as the measurements go, I don't really know how to determine that. The only comparison I have is from back in my crazy workout phase in high school...I don't see me ever seeing a 26 inch waist again! So, for today, there is no measurement goal...just get me skinny!!!

As far as the diet, it has been going very well! It's hard to fit eating in my day at five separate times, but maybe once I get used to it, it'll be ok. Today and yesterday I missed my mid-morning "meal" due to meetings. When we got the "Insanity" information, the nutrition guide gave a formula to determine how many calories you needed to eat a day. Mine came out to about 2000 calories a day in order to lose weight...I thought that sounded pretty doable! The nutrition guide recommends eating the same amount of calories at each sitting, and I am deciding against this. It doesn't say that you have to, but it has the recipe section broken down into the 5 meals, and each section has the same amount of calories. I've decided that I will have a protein shake for breakfast (those have turned out to be pretty good!), and snack mid-morning (usually low fat string cheese), a grilled chicken salad or wrap with fruit, an afternoon snack (usually fruit or carrots), and then a larger dinner. I just personally prefer to still have my standard eating times as MEALS, instead of eating rabbit food all day long...if that makes sense. Since Tennessee refuses to understand weather patterns, it was a nice evening to grill tonight. I patted out some turkey burgers, and Brandon cooked them up! Then I cut up a few potatoes and baked some french fries. We didn't have the sandwich rounds that I normally have with a hamburger, so we just ate them with a fork instead of wasting the calories for bread. I topped mine with salsa and was very impressed with how good it tasted! I'll have to keep that in mind for next time!

We'll work out later tonight than usual, then we'll do tomorrow's workout in the morning. Tomorrow's diet will be difficult! My family meets at Shoney's ever Saturday for breakfast, which is not the most conducive place for any diet. My plan is to check out their salad selections and go from there. I hope to not consume many more calories throughout the day because my last Christmas gathering is tomorrow evening. Of course, we're all bringing "tasty morsels" to share, and I always look forward to trying everyone's dishes. So, I'm not sure how that is going to go... Sunday is our real day off, so that'll be nice!

Thank you to everyone for reading! I may not post until Sunday; I hope everyone can hold their excitement until then!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Well, I can still move

Tuesday night my husband did night 2 of Insanity "Plyometric Cardio Circuit." Whew! I really don't know how they come up with the names of these workouts. "Plyometrics," to me, means lots of jumping; although there was some jumping, it wasn't really based around it...which I was TOTALLY ok with since my legs felt a little like jello. I can't lie, it was tough, but I felt pretty good about my performance! By no means did I keep up with Shaun T. and the other nuts that are on the DVD, but I didn't have to take as many breaks as I was afraid I was.
On Wednesday, I was sore from he moment that I woke up in the morning! But, I could still get up and walk...and I could still sit on the toilet! I remember back in the days of my college 3-a-days, having to put my hands on the toilet seat in order to lower my body down onto it (with EXTENSIVE hand washing to follow). So far, I haven't had to assist myself in bathroom matters! :)   I kept with my eating plan and felt pretty good throughout the day. I definitely notice that my hunger hits like a ton of bricks though. It's hard to "schedule" 5 eating times in a day when I'm not sure what my daily schedule with call for.
Wednesday night, the workout was labeled "Cardio Power Resistance." It was pretty tough! I don't know if it was hard because my legs were so weak/sore from the prior day, or if the workout was just that difficult. Either way, lots of breaks were taken last night! We got to start incorporating our arms and shoulders, so it felt like a full body experience. I think there will always be more leg work than any other part of the body, but when anything includes alot of cardio, legs will more than likely be doing the work.
Today, my legs are still sore, but they feel awesome! It is to the point that my legs still hurt, but they feel so tight to the touch that I really feel like I've started accomplishing something...already! Does this mean others can SEE a difference?! Definitely not! But I'm on my have to feel it before you can see it!! I LOVE that feeling, and i have missed it. My abs and core are sore as well, but we really haven't done much that has concentrated on those muscles. They are so tied into so many parts of your body movement that it is almost like a residual effect from all of the other movements. Tonight, we will have "Cardio Recovery." I'm not sure what that means, but I know on the information it says that "Shaun T. takes it a little easier on you." I think it's like Pilates or something like that...or maybe just stationary work without all of the movement drills.

So far, I'm really enjoying it and I am LOVING that my hubby is doing it with me! We always talked about starting a hobby together, and I guess we've done that without even meaning to. We end up texting each other throughout the day to ask about each other's soreness, what to expect for tonight, dietary questions, etc. We've always texted through the day, but it's different now!

Thanks for following along! I was telling someone today...I plan to post my measurements, once I know that I am making progress! lol I don't want to post my "before" measurements, then lose my motivation and everyone know my ending measurements! lol The same with pictures of progress!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

So, here we go!!

Well, here are two firsts for me... 1)trying an at-home workout, 2) blogging about ANYTHING.

If you are reading this, you know that my husband and I started the "Insanity" workout last night, Jan 2, 2012. So, to make this blog more interesting (or, at least, in an attempt to), I'll tell you how this all came about. About six months ago, I saw the infomercial for "Insanity," and thought to myself, "hm...I would DIE!" I did like that it looked kinda like an intense practice session for an actual sport, which made it feel a little more like "home" to me. (For those of you who don't know, I was an athlete ALL of my life until I graduated college in 2007.) This was around the time of my birthday, so my husband offered to buy it for me for my birthday. Upon much consideration (probably more that I should have given), I decided I would join the Y instead. I joined the Y for the summer and loved feeling sore and feeling like I was getting back in a little better shape. Then...the summer ended and working full-time and being a wife and mother left little time to go to the gym, so I let my membership expire (not to mention it is PRICEY).
Fast forward about 6 months: I was laying bed with my husband about a month before Christmas, feeling absolutely disgusted with myself. I hated the way that my belly felt when I layed down certain ways, let alone to let my husband touch it while we snuggled. He, of course, would never say anything, but he didn't sign up for this. He didn't sign up for a jiggly belly and mondo thighs (and not mondo from muscle like they used to be). He just tells me that he can't really tell that I've gained weight, and, ya know, every other thing that a husband feels that he should say. I'm not saying that I think I should be in "college shape" by any means, but this is getting ridiculous. So I told him that maybe we should get a Wii or Xbox Kinnect so I could do some exercise games. We talked it over and over and came up with no real answer.
Christmas morning comes, and my husband has been saying how excited he is about one of my gifts, that I will "have no clue about!! You're going to be so surprised!!" He hands me my last gift (we always save the best for last), and I open it, not sure what to expect from the shipping box that I unwrapped. When I saw the word "insanity," I shreeked with excitement! I was even more excited that he was going to do it with me!! So, we planned to start it the day after the New Year (the Insanity calendar starts on a Monday).
Well, last night was that Monday. With the Insanity program, you start with a "fit test" so you can "track your progress"...I believe it is more so to show you how out of shape you are, and it definitely did that! The fit-test consists of 8 exercises that you do for a minute a piece to see how many you can do. You retake the same fit-test every 2 weeks to show how much you are progressing, so I can't really go anywhere but up! :) We did the fit-test and DIED! It was soo tough, but it was good to feel winded and worn out. Today, my legs feel pretty sore and I can tell a bit in my core, but the second day is always the worst for me, personally. Once my little guy goes to bed tonight, we do "Plyometric Cardio Circut" and I am sure I won't be able to get out of bed in the morning, which will be great for the first day back with students!!

Side-note about the eating plan that comes along with it: I'm supposed to eat 5 times a day, including protein bars and shakes. I do not plan to follow the eating plan completely (meaning, using his recipies), but I will try to stick to it for the most part. Today I had a real serving size of Special K pecan and cinnamon cereal, a protein shake, a grilled chicken salad (probably a bigger serving that Shaun T. would suggest) with buffalo sauce and a little FF Ranch as dressing, pretzels and cantelope for snack, and "healthy" ziti for supper. My biggest issue is portion sizes. I generally cook pretty healthily, but I eat way more than one serving size (as most people do). That's what I plan on focusing more on.

Thank you for following this blog! Please feel free to comment with any encouraging words, questions, or anything else. I don't plan on posting every day, but I hope to do it pretty regularly!