Monday, February 27, 2012

The Last Week

I did my measurements this weekend, but I'm not going to post them since I'll be posting my final measurements this weekend! THAT'S RIGHT....FINAL MEASUREMENTS!!! I can't believe it is almost over!

Tonight was rough for me (and the hubs, as well). I had softball practice after school, which went great. I introduced them to some Shaun T. moves, and they loved it! Actually asked if we could do it everyday! Before anyone gets too impressed with them, I just gave them some of the exercises from the warm up with a small break between each one. All they see is the 6 pack that they want for summer lol. The munchkin had been awesome ALL day, until it came time to go home. He got mad because he couldn't ride with GiGi (who was not going to my house). Just hearing him cry in the backseat over something that silly drives me BANANAS!!! Talk about nerve wrecking! About half-way home, he was fine...then we got to sing songs and play in the car, and all was well.We got home, and I fell asleep on the couch. I NEVER fall asleep on the couch, even when I want to. I woke up to get the munchkin bathed and ready for bed...then it was time for INSANITY. Tonight, we had the hardest video, Max Interval Plyo. It is soooo draining!! It's all jumping, whether from your feet to feet, feet to hands, hands to feet, whatever! If it's jumping, we do it! Being exhausted, and trying to do Insanity does not mix. Now I feel like I could fall asleep standing up! I'm about to throw my week's worth of chicken in the oven, shower and go to bed!!

Our motivation was really suffering today...but I think it was just because this is the worst video and we are both exhausted! Hopefully the rest of the week won't be so dreadful!


Thursday, February 23, 2012


Most important item of the day/week/moth/year/decade, first... I wore "college" jeans today!!!! THAT'S RIGHT!! I wore jeans today that I wore when I was in college (and they were a single digit!)!! I was going through my drawer this morning and saw a pair of jeans that I was not even aware that I still had. Out of idle curiosity, I tried them on...and they fit like a glove!! I wish there had been a camera on my face when I got them up over my hips! So, guess what I wore today (I was out of the building today, so I could wear them)!!!

I had a training today in Nashville, whose registration stated, "lunch provided." I had no clue what this lunch was going to consist of...would it be cold salads, sandwiches, mayo based salads, pb&j and chips...WHAT?!!! So I brought my lunch, just in case. I was pretty proud of myself for doing that! I needed to pack snacks anyway, so throwing my chicken and a wrap in the lunchbox was no problem. Well, lunch was a mini italian buffet...yes, I said BUFFET! and it looked AMAZING!! There was chicken alfredo, some sort of pasta marinara with italian sausage, some other pasta dish, some sort of lemon seasoned chicken breast, and tiramisu. Boy was I glad that I brought my lunch! I ate my good ol' carrots and salsa, a piece of the supplied chicken breast, and strawberries with mini marshmallows. I was pretty impressed with my will power while everyone else at my table had 2 helpings of tiramisu because, "this is soooo good!!"

The hubs and I had planned on eating mexican tonight, since it is "recovery" night. That sounded like a great idea until I got out of the training, went to softball practice, and went to "get my hair did." By that point it was after 6:15 and Brandon wasn't really wanting to get back out. I, on the other hand, had been thinking about mexican ALL day long. I had to fulfill my craving, so I got two chicken soft tacos, to go. I even told them to leave out the chips and salsa! Those chicken tacos were EXACTLY what I needed and I enjoyed every bite!!

When I got home, I had the sudden urge to try on old clothes! The "college jeans" were not a fluke! (First, I called my college roommate to make sure that the jeans I had on were, in fact, jeans that I wore in college.She would know since we raided each other's clothes on a daily basis.) I could wear other old jeans too!!! Brandon (being a total male in this situation) said, "I'm glad you kept those jeans, now you don't have to go buy new ones!"...and, he was DEAD serious. I looked at him like he had just said that I was missing a toe! I said, "You are out of your mind if you think I'm not going to go buy new clothes! If for no other reason than to say, 'I bought a size 8 today!'" Oh, silly man! Shopping WILL happen in my near future...but I want to wait for a few more weeks!

Tomorrow night, a friend is staying the you know we have to have some "junk" food. I plan on making mini corndog muffins (via pinterest, a WW recipe) and WW cupcakes (a box of cake mix, mixed with a diet soda)...I'm really looking forward to it!

I'm ending the day feeling really good about myself! I'm not at my goal weight, but I feel amazing!! I'm still hoping and trying for the goal weight...although, it will not happen by the time we finish INSANITY next week.

Thank you to everyone for the words of encouragement and comments/compliments! They really do mean the world to me!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

I Prefer My "Fast and Furious" To Include Paul Walker...(and fit test results)

Tonight was Fit Test # 4 plus Max Interval Circuit. We dreaded it all weekend day, and there is no questioning why. I will post my Fit Test results at the end...I was VERY pleased with myself! It is AMAZING what a difference I can see in my body and my performance since day 1!

When we finished the Fit Test, Brandon and I did NOT want to do another hour of Insanity. Not only did we not want to, we really didn't have time to since Rylan went to bed later than planned. When we finished the Fit Test, it was almost we chose an alternative. In the Insanity kit, there is a video titled "Fast and Furious." It is a 20 minute video that is supposed to give the same cardio and muscle work as a full length stopping, no breaks, just GO. That workout was NO JOKE!! I was worried that we would regret taking the "easy" way out, but it definitely wasn't easy, so no regrets! that was by far the hardest 20 minutes of my life!! (I also only got about a half a squirt out of my inhaler before we started, so that didn't help with the exhaustion)
My throat has started hurting, which is NO BUENO!! So I pray that it is just a minor ache and that it will go away tomorrow!

Now for the Fit Test Results!!!
First of all, my weight: starting weight 176.4    weight on Sunday, 2-19-11 - 159.5  for total of 16.9  lbs!!!
Switch Kicks  1st-59    2nd-70     3rd-85    4th-100
Power Jacks  1st-37     2nd-45     3rd-49    4th-53
Power Knees 1st-60     2nd- 65    3rd-80    4th-100
Power Jumps 1st-13    2nd-20     3rd-23    4th-40
Globe Jumps 1st-5       2nd-8       3rd-9     4th- 10
Suicide Jumps 1st-9     2nd-12     3rd-17    4th-18
Push-Up Jacks  1st-8   2nd-16!!!  3rd-23    4th-26
Low Plank Oblique  1st-32   2nd-47   3rd-52   4th-60

These results are AMAZING to me!! As much as I fussed about having to do the fit test the first day, I'm so glad that we have had to do it! As if the physical results weren't enough, to see how much stronger I really am is amazing (did you catch that, it's AMAZING!!!)!!  
The next time you see fit test results, we will be DONE DONE DONE!!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Tonight we had Max Cardio and Cardio Abs. Max Cardio still isn't easy, but it's amazing how much better we both are at it! We haven't done Cardio Abs in 3 weeks (as laid out on the Insanity calendar), and it was AMAZING how much better we did with it! We both looked at each other at the end and said, "It's amazing what a difference three weeks can make," let alone compared to our first Ab night!

Weigh in is either tomorrow or Sunday (to be honest, I weigh both days and take the lowest number! LOL). Earlier in the week, I was certain that I would be happy with weigh-in, but today I wasn't sure. Now, I feel good about it! I'm intrigued to see what the numbers say tomorrow! I would be ECSTATIC if I got in the 150's this week (I was 162 Sunday...161 Monday), so we'll see!!

I must say, my guy knows exactly what to say to make me smile! We were talking about our weight loss goal, and I said how many pounds I had left to my goal (11 left), and he said, "you'll be skin and bones if you lose that much weight!" and he was dead serious! lol I just laughed at him! I reminded him that both of us set our goal to weigh the same as we did when we got married...and I'm 11 lbs away!!

To piggy-back on my last post... I got to thinking after I typed it up. I think this feels so surreal because I have never really lost weight in my life! I graduated from high school weighing 150 pounds. Through college, the lowest I ever got was 140 and was told I was too skinny by MANY (and I was), and graduated from college at 150. My body composition changed immensely through college, just my weight didn't. I was a gym rat and spent my free time in the gym, even outside of practice time. I didn't really pay too much attention to my weight; I was all about my body fat percentage. My lowest percentage was 9%...which is pretty freakin low! After I had Rylan, I joined WW and lost the 5 pounds that I still had on me from pregnancy (I think 165 was the lowest I got)...but, as I mentioned before, I couldn't fit in my clothes so I got frustrated and gave up. From that point on, my weight just continued to creep up and creep up. So the fact that I have lost 15 pounds is exciting to me! Ok...enough exciting "bragging."

Let me also say...I'm excited to see everyone else who is losing weight, too! Now I have a better understanding of what it takes to get it done and I am proud of EVERYONE who I have seen trying to better themselves!! Congrats and keep up the hard work! I love that we are all inspiring each other!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Am So Proud Of Myself!!!

I don't know why it hit me today...but I am so proud of myself!! I mean, I've been proud before now...but it really hit me today! Maybe it's the fact that everyday someone tells me how good I look or asks how much weight I've lost, or maybe it's because everyday I either put on something I haven't worn in a LONG time or wear something with ALOT more confidence! My body is completely different, and I'm starting to feel like any goal that I set is doable. Not to sound like a goob, but it's almost surreal. I (as many people do) have talked about needing to lose weight, and wished that I could lose weight, many many times...but the fact that I've actually done it is amazing to me! I wish there was a way to explain how excited I am without someone thinking that I am
All I can say I wore a pair of pants that I haven't worn in a long time. About mid-way through the day, I got a glace of the tag, and it was a single digit number!! Now, does this mean that I wear single digits now, NO, but I can wear a pair that I have and that's a good start!!

I haven't not mentioned this in previous posts, but I help coach the softball team at a local middle school, and today started our tryouts. We start full time practice next week, but we'll be done with Insanity before our games start (thank goodness).

I've gotten to a point where I look forward to doing the workout every night, even when it's the hardest one (like tonight's). Tonight we had Max Plyo, which is the hardest one in both of our opinions. It's alot of muscle work and power moves, which kills me! But I definitely know I've worked my tail off when we finish. I am looking forward to seeing the scale this weekend!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 6 measurements

We'll get to the measurements...

Yesterday, Brandon and I had tickets to go to the Uk/Vandy game and planned to have a good dinner before hand. We don't get a date night too often without our bundle of energy, so we wanted to take the opportunity and run with it! This will also count as our "Valentine date" as well. After looking at our options online, we decided on The Outback because they had a  pretty good "Under 550 calorie" menu. I was excited that they had Coke Zero when we got there, too! We both ordered the sirloin, I had asparagus and a salad (I HAVE to learn how to cook asparagus!), and Brandon had the steamed veggies and steamed green beans (the green beans were AWESOME!!). We both thoroughly enjoyed our meals...and I feel like we have talked about it non-stop since!

Today, we ate at Maw-Maw's like we always do on Sunday. **Remember me mentioning that it is not easy dieting with my family...** We had chicken and dumplins, lima beans, fried apples, salad, and rolls...then brownies with ice cream for dessert. Brandon and I decided that it wouldn't kill us to eat Maw-Maw's food once a week...we would just try to watch our portion size. We've done pretty good with it, but I LOVE MawMaw's chicken and dumplins!! So I had a couple of servings! After my measurements, I felt like I could splurge a little!

Now for the measurements...  I was VERY excited about my measurements today! I can truly tell a difference in my body, and so can everyone else! This time I will actually put what my measurements are, not just how much I have here goes...

Weight:  Jan 2- 176.4                     Feb 12- 162.4                  TOTAL LOST: 14 lbs
Waist: Jan 2- 33 inches                  Feb 12- 29 inches             TOTAL LOST: 4 inches
Hips: Jan 2- 38.5 inches                 Feb 12- 34 inches             TOTAL LOST: 4.5 inches
Butt: Jan 2- 45.5 inches                 Feb 12- 42 Inches             TOTAL LOST: 3.5 inches
Thigh: Jan 2- L & R 26.75 inches   Feb 12- L & R 24 inches   TOTAL LOST: 2.75 each leg
Calf: Jan 2- R: 17   L:16.5              Feb 12- R: 15.75   L:15.5   TOTAL LOST:  R: 1.25  L: 1 inch
Arm: Jan 2- L&R 12.5                   Feb 12- L&R: 12               TOTAL LOST:  .5 each leg
                                                                        GRAND TOTAL INCHES LOST: 20.75!!!!!!!!

I am so proud of myself right now! I'm proud that I have stuck this out for 6 weeks, I'm proud that I have lost this much weight/inches, and I'm proud that Brandon and I have done it together! It's been great!! Six weeks down, three more to go!! Fourteen pounds down, twelve more to go!!! I may not hit my goal by the end of the nine weeks, but I WILL hit that goal!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Max Recovery...

After three of the hardest workouts I have ever done, we got a little bit of a recovery tonight...key words: little bit. The past three nights have been rough, which as lead to a rough few days of soreness. Yesterday, I felt like I had been jumped in my sleep and been beaten. My upper back/shoulders were so sore and my bootwah!! I squatted down during a class and my knees cracked like a machine gun (not really new news for me)! The kids looked at me like I had fallen apart like a Mr. Potato Head.Then, it was all that I could do to get myself back up!  But more and more people are starting to notice a difference, and I LOVE it!

Today, my "lats," shoulders, and butt are all sore. Tonight's recovery workout was no cardio, but definitely still a workout. It has lots of slow and controlled moves (very pilates-esque...or what I assume pilates is like). Through the entire workout, either my quads were burning, or my shoulders were. If we weren't down in a squat, we were down in a plank! It was tough, but I like feeling like I'm getting some work done, even without doing any cardio!

As far as the food goes...I'm still bored with my evening meal. I think I'm just going to go back to cooking, and whatever leftovers we have will be dinner on another night. I have plenty of healthy recipes! I'd rather eat a real dinner while we're still working out, than start eating after we finish and start gaining weight back immediately...that's what I'm afraid of. I still love my grilled chicken for lunch! The program said to add some calories when we start the new workout, so this is what I have been eating for lunch: a grilled chicken wrap (on a high fiber, low calorie tortilla), a small salad topped with strawberries only, and strawberries with mini-marshmallows. I usually have some carrots dipped in salsa at some point during the day, whether it is for mid-morning snack or at lunch. Saturday night, I get to have a date night with my hubby! We're both pretty excited about eating (how sad is that?!) and watching the UK/Vandy game! We've been scoping out possible restaurants for the occasion so we can celebrate date night without ruining the work we have done already.

I'm not really looking forward to weighing in and measuring this weekend. It's that time to feel bloated, and gain a couple extra pounds...which can be very discouraging when you're watching the scale. Part of me considered skipping the measurements this weekend, but I'm sure I'll still go through with it.

After re-reading this post, it has a few ADD tendencies...but that's ok! lol Thank you to everyone who has sent me words of encouragement and/or support!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

And I thought I was kinda in shape... (with fit test results)

I apologize about how long it has been since I've posted. Last week was "Recovery Week," which, as I posted, was not much of a recovery. We did the same DVD all week, so I really didn't feel like I had anything to post about. We did go out to eat with friends on Friday night, and I ate more than I should have...but I guess that will happen now and then! I am proud to say that I did not partake in much of the Super Bowl food that I was around! I ate a bit of the Skinny Buffalo Chicken Dip (thanks to my hostess for making it "skinny"), and some veggies (and maybe one chocolate oatmeal cookie...but, again, it's oatmeal right?!)!

So yesterday, we started the second set of DVD's in the INSANITY series. In the pamphlet, it said that you would think you were in shape, until the next set starts...and that was definitely true. We started with the fit test (results to follow), then did "Max Interval Circuit." In case you're keeping up, that was an hour and twenty minutes of Shaun T! I continued to improve on ALL of the fit test exercises!! the following DVD, on the other hand...OMG!! Brandon and i kept looking at each other like, "What in the world?!" It was just non-stop! I'm glad they get you a month into the program before they drop this workout on you...or there is NO way that we would have stuck with it this long, nor would we have made it through the first night!

Tonight's DVD was "Max Interval Plyo." I'm not sure which workout was harder...last night's or tonight's. Brandon swears that tonight's was harder because it was all power moves, but I'm not sure! Tonight's was definitely hard, so I'll say they were equally as hard (like that diplomatic answer?)! I wish I could begin to explain the moves that we did tonight. Lots of jumping...from hands to feet, from push up position to feet, jumping while in a push up position...if it was jumping, we did it. I am already sore, so I dread what tomorrow will feel like! Tomorrow we have "Max Cardio," which is this set's version of "Pure Cardio" so I'm sure it'll be easy (if you have been reading this blog, please tell me you catch that sarcasm!!!!!).

So here are my fit test results!!!
First of all, my weight: starting weight 176.4    weight on Sunday, 2-5-11 - 164.2  for total of 12.2 lbs!!!
Switch Kicks (kick one knee up at a time to belly button level, and kick the leg out) 1st-59 2nd-70  3rd-85
Power Jacks (jumping jacks with a squat when your legs are apart) 1st-37     2nd-45    3rd-49
Power Knees (bring one knee up to belly button level, as arms come to meet the leg, all at an angle) 1st-60   2nd- 65  3rd-80
Power Jumps (jump up while bringing your knees up, wide set) 1st-13   2nd-20   3rd-23
Globe Jumps (jump right, back, left, and forward, like a circle kinda. one rotation equals 1) 1st-5   2nd-8  3rd-9
Suicide Jumps (jump back in to a push up position, bring knees back to hands, and jump up) 1st-9 2nd-12   3rd-17
Push-Up Jacks (push-ups, legs spread as you go down, bring them together when you get to the top) 1st-8      2nd-16!!!   3rd-23
Low Plank Oblique (holding a plank position on your elbows, bring one knee up to the side toward your shoulder, then switch legs) 1st-32   2nd-47   3rd-52

I am so proud of myself!! I can't believe how much I have improved since he first day! I am trying to get pictures posted, but I'm having ALOT of difficulty (it really shouldn't be this hard!). I'll get them up as soon as I can!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

You call that a "Recovery"?!!!???

I'm still riding high off of my measurements from Saturday! I'm so happy with the results that I have seen! I can DEFINITELY see a difference in my body and the way my clothes fit! At first, I was feeling different in a few pairs of pants...but now, ALL of my clothes are fitting differently! Kids at school are noticing, other teachers are noticing, and (sadly) the host at the mexican restaurant is noticing!! We all have a friend that you can count on to tell you like it is no matter what "it" is...well, today, THAT friend said, "I can tell a difference!" I looked at her like she had just told me that I had won the lottery!! I knew she wasn't just blowing smoke up my [shrinking] touchus! That felt great!! I can see abs coming through, my collarbones are starting to show again (I love collarbones...strange, I know), and my face is slimming down!

No longer do I have to stand in my closet going, "nope, my stomach pooches out," "nope, too tight," "OMG when did this stop fitting?!"  I can just grab anything and go. There is one pair of pants that is in the closet that I haven't tried on yet, and I don't know if I'm ready to yet! [Am I really about to put my pants size on here?!] Before I started, I was in a 12, but I could still wear most of my 10's too (but they were all quite snug...probably shouldn't have been wearing them). Now, all of my 10's fit comfortably and even have extra room in them. If I get into an 8 again, I will DIE!!! Then I will be in my Stage 2 pants (pants I wore when we got married)! At first, I felt like getting into an 8 was irrational thinking...but now I feel like I can do it!! There is one dress that I have in my mind as my "ultimate goal" dress! I told Brandon that if when I can fit in that dress, we are going somewhere to dinner that we have to dress up! I've only worn the dress once for a very special occasion, but I LOVE it and I want to wear it again!!! When I wear it again, I will definitely post a picture!

Anyway...on to what this post is really about..."Recovery Week." Oh Shaun T., why did you have to miss the day of elementary school when they explained what the word RECOVER meant?! What about this video is a recovery?!! Brandon and I had planned out meals for this week, even made plans to go out to eat with friends this week...but that plan changed Monday when we saw what this nut-case called a "recovery." It is almost as hard as a regular week! It's not as much cardio, which is why he refers to it as a recovery, but my shoulders are more sore than they have been since we started, and I can definitely feel it in my core! It's tough...I can't lie! I was expecting it to be Pilate's or something like know, kinda chill but still working your muscles. NOPE!!! Brandon doesn't feel like he can eat a real meal and then do the workout, so another week without cooking real meals...   I think we'll both be fine as long as we don't overeat, and I tested my theory tonight! Mom and I ate mexican; I got a grilled chicken soft taco and a side of beans. I felt satisfied, but I wasn't wobbling out (and, might I add, it was WAY cheap!). I survived the workout and felt great while I was doing it. I may try to cook something tomorrow night, and just eat a smaller portion of it in order to survive.

I am still enjoying my grilled chicken wraps for lunch. I have become a bit obsessed with strawberries with mini marshmallows (it kinda tastes like strawberry shortcake), so I've had that quite a bit lately. All in all, I've enjoyed every aspect of this workout (except the fact that it feels like Tonya Harding attacked my knees). The knees are just sore, no injuries...just not used to this kind of work!

I want to thank everyone for reading and keeping up with me through this! This weekend I will officially post my before pictures (good grief) and my "now" pictures (that will be taken this weekend). I can't wait to put the pictures next to each other to see the difference!!